6 Phrases That Make You Sound Like a Diva

Download (11)Independent musicians have a lot on their plate. With touring, recording and promoting artists have to handle all aspects of their career on their own. This, however, can raise some issues. Without the large team of publicists, booking agents, and managers behind them, artists normally have to make every aspect of their career appeal to those that they want to partner with. With that in mind, Simon Tam reminds us there is a fine line between promoting yourself well and over selling yourself as an artist. 

We all have made exaggerations of ourselves at one time or another. As an independent artist there are not a lot of people to advocate on your behalf so you have to place your accolades in the best light. However, it is important to be realistic about achievements because over exaggaration can hurt your chances of partnering with people rather than help. Check out Simon Tam's tips on promoting yourself well on MusicThinkTank.com.

"There’s no question that the music industry is riddled with egos, self-promotion, and sales tactics. But there is a point where overselling yourself will cause eyes to roll, hurt your ability to get gigs or deals, and make people take you less seriously than they perhaps should. This goes for the pitch that you make about your band, the agreements you set up, and even how you approach crowdfunding. And while it’s easy to spot in others, inflated self-importance is one that is often hard to see in our own behavior."

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